Class Activity Chair Job Description
The role of the CAC is to encourage and lead the class during non-reunion years in the planning and execution of one or more class-wide events. Some classes already do this, and we hope that formalizing this office will encourage all classes to follow suit. We look forward to reaching out to those active classes for leadership and inspiration in this effort. Help and involvement from classmates should be encouraged.
The HAA staff can provide limited support in sending out class emails, but these events should be planned and organized by classmates, and self-funded. HAA Alumni volunteers will provide mentoring and guidance as desired by CACs. The expectation is that, over time, regular class events will be planned and sustained by the classes, outreach to uninvolved classmates will develop, and alumni will enjoy regular contact with their classmates and the university.
Classes that already have an ongoing set of events may wish to consider reaching out to other regions of the country. A suggested structure for doing so will be found here.